Advances in hidradenitis suppurativa
Transcript: EHSF 2024 key developments
Dr Antonio Martorell
Interview recorded Feb 2024, EHSF 2024. All transcripts are created from interview footage and directly reflect the content of the interview at the time. The content is that of the speaker and is not adjusted by Medthority.
During this impressive Thursday, we will receive a lot of information, new developments in pathogenesis, in therapy, in surgery. I want to highlight four points. The first one is regarding the new data we have with the use of bimekizumab. That is interleukin-17A and F blocker that is working against inflammation in HS with real good results in sub-analysis made in phase three clinical trials. But also, with new data we have in available evidence, regarding the usefulness of this could take the option for our patients with HS. In this case, I want also to highlight in the second point that a nice study presented by Linnea Thorlacius so that those patients that are treated with this drug in the first two years of the disease has better results in terms of highest score and also in terms of HS4. We have also new data from secukinumab.
Another drug that is blocking interleukin-17A. In this case, with a series of more than 200 patients in real world evidence, we can see an improvement of 15 points compared with data from clinical trials that offer us a new opportunity for treating our patients with HS. With a drug that is now approved for this disease. We have new data from phase two clinical trials with other molecules that blocks other lines like JAK inhibitors, drugs that are blocking neutrophils. But we are still at the beginning of knowing if these molecules are going to help us in the future because we are still are in the phase two. And last but not least, during this first day, we show how imaging techniques can help us in better define how severe is a patient, in better define the responses to medical therapy, and also in order to define the structures of HS that are going to respond to medical therapy. During today, we discuss how important is to personalise the management of our patients with new therapies we have now and how to establish which will be the best integral therapy for each of our patients with HS.
I think that the main challenge we have, we want to cover and we are proposing to cover with the presentation we see today, is to make this integral approach of a patient with HS. During a long time, we thought that only the medical therapy for cure on inflammation will be the only option to treat our patients in order to achieve the best results, but now we know that in this case, the biological treatments are a part, an important part, but not the only treatment in order to solve the problem. This internal approach will include four parts, pain control, treatment of comorbidities, treatment of inflammation, and the surgical treatment. In this case, the control of inflammation is exclude because more and more data that we see today suggest a thing that we commented during the last 10 years. The existence of a window of opportunity, the moment in which the patient is going to have the better results with the use of these biologics. That this is at the beginning of the disease as more years of development of the disease.
Worse results we're going to achieve with medical therapies and this window of opportunity defined as the moment in which the patient has abscesses without tunnels that are the lesions that are now going to respond to medical therapy appears from the beginning of the disease. As more delay in the treatment, more complication we'll have and less response we'll achieve with the current drugs that we want to offer an alternative way for our patients with HS. I see changes in the doctors, in the dermatologist that this is the most interesting thing. We are waiting for the publication of the last guidelines that are going to offer an update of the different topics regarding treatment for our HS patients, but there is a new step that the doctor will cover that this is a more practical approach. They are putting the focus in how to treat a patient, when to use biologics. These questions need answers, and in this case, they are entering in the world of matching techniques in order to better decide which is the best moment to use the biologics.
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