This site is intended for healthcare professionals
Collaborative learning

Industry-funded medical education

Last updated: 19th Nov 2024
Published:16th Jul 2024

Learning Zones

Doctor separates blood and plasma

Albumin in fluid management

Explore expert-led content discussing guidelines for fluid management, clinical trial data and emerging uses of albumin in this Learning Zone.

8 year old child with redness and peeling of the skin on the body.

Atopic Dermatitis in Paediatric Patients

Burden, pathophysiology and clinical management

Illustration; activated mast cell releasing histamine; AI generated

Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria Academy

Ana Maria Giménez-Arnau, Simon Francis Thomsen and Martin Metz discuss CSU management and diagnosis in a symposium at EAACI 2024.

CMKD, Kidney disease, AI generated image

Complement-mediated kidney diseases

Complement-mediated kidney diseases (CMKDs) are rare, chronic and progressive diseases. With this Learning Zone, explore and improve understanding of the role of complement in kidney disease and encourage earlier and optimal management of CMKDs.

Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1

Diagnosis and management of primary hyperoxaluria type 1

Welcome to the primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1) Learning Zone, which introduces the signs and symptoms of PH1, and PH1 diagnosis and management.

Fibrinogen Deficiency

Fibrinogen Deficiency in Bleeding Learning Zone

Fibrinogen is an essential coagulation factor in the blood clotting cascade. The importance for fibrinogen in normal haemostasis is highlighted in patients of inherited fibrinogen deficiencies who display coagulopathies such as excessive bleeding and thrombolytic events.

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

Herpes Zoster Learning Zone

Learn about the burden, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of herpes zoster.

Welcome to the Hidradenitis suppurativa Learning Zone

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Academy

Engage with a range of downloadable resources created by an international group of experts to enhance disease awareness around HS

Woman with gut pain

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Learning Zone

Explore our dedicated Learning Zone to find out more about Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, including the epidemiology and immunology of these complex and debilitating diseases.

Woman blinking

Myasthenia Gravis Learning Zone

Medical education resources focused on identifying early symptoms of myasthenia gravis, available treatments and information about the latest findings in new therapy pathways

Oral Anti Coagulation Reversal

Oral Anticoagulation Reversal Learning Zone

This educational resource is designed to help healthcare professionals diagnose, manage and treat bleeding in patients taking anticoagulants.

3D image of lungs

Severe Asthma Learning Zone

The Severe Asthma learning zone features content on the complexity of severe asthma, airway inflammation, patient phenotyping and the role of the epithelium.

Unrecognizable female doctor holding graphic virtual visualization model of Lungs organ in hands. Multiple medical icons on the background.

Type 2 Inflammation in COPD

Learning resources on type 2 inflammation in COPD, covering complex inflammatory pathways, patient burden and key differences between COPD and asthma.

Banner image colour gradient

Type 2 Inflammation in Upper & Lower Airway Diseases

Read a summary of type 2 inflammation in upper and lower airway diseases, including adult asthma, pediatric asthma and CRSwNP.

EADV 2023: A new era for epidermolysis bullosa

An Industry Expert Hub session on 11 October 2023, hosted by Cristina Has, explores the latest research developments in and outside the clinic for epidermolysis bullosa. Watch highlights and expert interviews here.

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Roundtable: Biologics in plaque psoriasis

Watch expert roundtable on the use of biologics in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, chaired by Professor Luis Puig.

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Grappling with hand and foot atopic dermatitis

What impact does atopic dermatitis of the hands and feet have on quality of life? What challenges are there in clinical practice? Dr Linda Stein Gold and Dr Jonathan Silverberg discuss in an expert podcast.

ECTRIMS 2022: Advancements in MS clinical tools

See the latest developments in tools for understanding, detecting, and slowing the multiple sclerosis (MS) disease course and improving outcomes for people with MS.

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