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Declaration of sponsorship UCB Biopharma SRL

Transcript: New guidelines

Declaration of sponsorship UCB Biopharma SRL
Last updated:21st Oct 2024
Published:21st Oct 2024

Aikaterini Liakou

Interview recorded Sep 2024, EADV 2024. All transcripts are created from interview footage and directly reflect the content of the interview at the time. The content is that of the speaker and is not adjusted by Medthority.

As I mentioned before, the new European guidelines, they have some very important issues pointed out. First, that we should begin the treatment of our patients as soon as possible, as early as possible in order to prevent the formation of irreversible lesions like scars or tunnels. Second, there are new treatments registered for the disease. 10 years after adalimumab, which is an anti-TNF agent, for the first time, there are two new medications registered for the disease, this is secukinumab and bimekizumab, which are anti-interleukin 17 agents. This is something revolutionary both for the physicians and for the patients. And finally, the guidelines give guidance how to relieve pain and itching of our patients, and how to really improve their everyday life.

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