HIV Podcast series
Dr Borja Mora Peris and Dr Margherita Bracchi discuss a range of medical and clinical questions related to HIV infection management
- Learn about antiretroviral treatments for managing HIV infection
- Review the main side-effects and challenges of antiretroviral regimens
- Consider the issues that are important to patients in HIV infection management
Podcast session 1: Antiretroviral treatments for managing HIV infection
Dr Margherita Bracchi and Dr Borja Mora Peris discuss recommended antiretroviral regimens for treating HIV infection. This session is focused on the efficacy of new injectable drugs for HIV infection, the timing of treatment initiation (considering the effects of late diagnosis and damage accrued), treatment considerations for vulnerable or special groups, and investigational antiretroviral treatments.
Podcast session 2: Main side-effects and challenges of antiretroviral regimens
Listen to this session for information on common antiretroviral treatment risks, and side-effects in managing HIV infection. Dr Margherita Bracchi and Dr Borja Mora Peris cover metabolic toxicity or weight gain, cardiovascular risk and toxicity, neuropsychiatric side effects, such as insomnia, depression, or headaches, neurocognitive impairment associated with dual therapies, and renal or bone toxicity and management in people with HIV infection.
Podcast session 3: Patient Treatment Outcomes - What matters to patients?
In this podcast session, Dr Borja Mora Peris and Dr Margherita Bracchi address the outcomes and issues that are important to patients in HIV infection management. Patients express preference for simple regimens, and they want to know why other drugs are added to their regimen. They have concerns about drug interactions and long-term drug use, and request answers to questions about disease cure and vaccines. Play this session to learn more.
Dr Margherita Bracchi specialised in Infectious Diseases in Turin, Italy. She is currently the service lead of the HIV inpatient unit at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, where she also runs the combined HIV/TB clinic. Her specialist interest is in antiretroviral treatment and management of advanced HIV infection, with a focus on pharmacokinetics and drug-drug interactions and mycobacterial infections. Dr Bracchi is a current member of the EACS guideline committee (ART panel) and member of the TB/HIV and opportunistic infections BHIVA guidelines. She is also a member of the EU2Cure network.
Disclosures: conference participation at IAS 2021 and CROI 2021 supported by Viiv.
Dr Borja Mora Peris is a Consultant in HIV and Sexual Health at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. He has a specialist interest in HIV and the central nervous system (CNS) and HIV/TB coinfection. He completed his PhD exploring antiretroviral activity within the CNS and has published widely in this area. Dr Mora Peris finished his internal medicine training in 2010 at Hospital Clinic in Barcelona. Following this he undertook HIV research in Johannesburg exploring access to care and completed a Masters in Tropical Medicine at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He currently works clinically at St Mary’s Hospital London where he is the lead for HIV/TB coinfection and runs the undergraduate placement in HIV medicine and sexual health.
Disclosures: Dr Mora Peris has received honoraria from Merck Sharp and Dohme (UK) Limited as a speaker.
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