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Sparsentan Video Highlights 50 characters

Last updated: 11th Mar 2024
Published:11th Mar 2024

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Quisque quis diam lectus. Curabitur posuere diam augue, viverra cursus dui bibendum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus feugiat scelerisque finibus. Suspendisse sollicitudin, ante id posuere viverra, nisl quam pellentesque arcu, sit amet aliquam erat elit non arcu. Integer vitae nisl id nulla sagittis varius. Nunc eget tempor mi, eget mattis nisi. Etiam eros ligula, sollicitudin ac hendrerit sed, mollis id orci. Ut auctor ligula eget vestibulum luctus. Vivamus lorem lectus, posuere vel dapibus in, fermentum ac neque. Aliquam commodo augue ac purus volutpat posuere in sit amet tellus. Duis dapibus tempor orci, quis fringilla tortor laoreet ut. Sed varius tellus sed urna pretium imperdiet.

Donec interdum sit amet purus at condimentum. Fusce luctus lectus sit amet neque gravida, quis rutrum magna accumsan. Praesent mollis congue blandit. Vivamus iaculis eget nunc sed vehicula. Sed nec felis ullamcorper, tincidunt nibh et, viverra mi. Sed vel leo a orci semper dictum non vel justo. Vivamus viverra non nulla et venenatis. In aliquet finibus lobortis. Sed placerat felis eu urna volutpat tempus. Donec quis velit eu risus tempor volutpat sed eget ligula. Suspendisse dictum augue et dolor sagittis, eu blandit felis dignissim. Sed pulvinar arcu nisl, at fermentum lectus rutrum non.r

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Aenean sit amet tortor enim. Phasellus eu interdum tellus.

Sed egestas nisl eu rhoncus aliquam. Donec et orci sed ligula egestas pellentesque. Nulla ullamcorper turpis aliquet turpis fermentum consectetur ac vel eros. Morbi auctor id turpis et tempus. Morbi aliquet eu sapien id semper. Quisque facilisis, justo et convallis tempor, sem dolor condimentum diam, eu volutpat lectus metus in nisi. Mauris lobortis consectetur dolor, vitae auctor lectus sodales id. Nam nibh felis, molestie ut dolor et, posuere vehicula risus. Donec odio orci, euismod sit amet viverra sit amet, scelerisque non libero. Donec lacinia augue vel nunc eleifend, quis efficitur lectus faucibus. Vestibulum tristique consequat ante pretium ultrices. Sed mattis faucibus orci, suscipit scelerisque ante egestas quis.

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Donec eget lacinia eros.

Pellentesque non laoreet massa, non congue lorem. Ut felis quam, gravida et consequat at, semper vitae sem. Nullam in nunc rutrum, ornare elit vel, ullamcorper massa. Mauris interdum bibendum felis, sit amet molestie enim venenatis a. Nulla commodo ligula ex, sed accumsan diam ullamcorper congue. Nam ac ultrices arcu. Aenean scelerisque vel velit eu semper. Aliquam nec velit eget metus sagittis consequat sed sit amet ex. Donec hendrerit risus vitae felis bibendum, id tempus sem aliquam. Duis sit amet condimentum tellus, et maximus arcu. Aenean vel dolor vehicula, ornare tortor ut, varius dui. Ut vulputate ac orci a vulputate. Aliquam pretium est dolor, ut hendrerit augue venenatis non. In dictum, metus vel tincidunt tincidunt, urna sapien ultricies libero, aliquet vulputate nisi turpis ut sapien. In commodo blandit egestas. In a nisi dictum, vehicula orci sed, lobortis risus.

Donec volutpat, tortor eu semper iaculis, elit purus lobortis tortor, a aliquet sem leo sed ante. Quisque dapibus nibh a dui posuere efficitur. Cras id nibh viverra, malesuada quam sed, elementum.

1. What is the approximate estimated lifetime risk of herpes zoster in Western and Asian-Pacific countries?

a) 40% b) 30% c) 90% d) 70% - The correct answer is 30%.

2. In herpes zoster, clinical disease is linked with?

a) Reinfection with Varicella-zoster virus b) Immunosenescence and a decline in cell-mediated immunity c) Bacterial super infection d) None of the above - The correct answer is Immunosenescence and a decline in cell-mediated immunity.

3. At what age is there a steep increase in the incidence of herpes zoster?

a) 40 b) 50 c) 60 d) 70 - The correct answer is 50.

4. What are some potential complications of herpes zoster? Choose all correct answers from the list below.

a) Loss of vision b) Scarring c) Ramsay Hunt syndrome d) Post-herpetic neuralgia e) Stroke f) All the above - The correct answer is All of the above.

5. What proportion of herpes zoster patients experience the most common complication, postherpetic neuralgia (PHN)?

a) 0–5% b) 5–10% c) 10–25% d) Up to 30% - The correct answer is Up to 30%.

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What is the approximate estimated lifetime risk of herpes zoster in Western and Asian-Pacific countries? 
In herpes zoster, clinical disease is linked with?
At what age is there a steep increase in the incidence of herpes zoster?
What are some potential complications of herpes zoster? Choose all correct answers from the list below.
What proportion of herpes zoster patients experience the most common complication, postherpetic neuralgia (PHN)? Choose the best answer.

1. What is the approximate estimated lifetime risk of herpes zoster in Western and Asian-Pacific countries?

a) 40% b) 30% c) 90% d) 70% - The correct answer is 30%.

2. In herpes zoster, clinical disease is linked with?

a) Reinfection with Varicella-zoster virus b) Immunosenescence and a decline in cell-mediated immunity c) Bacterial super infection d) None of the above - The correct answer is Immunosenescence and a decline in cell-mediated immunity.

3. At what age is there a steep increase in the incidence of herpes zoster?

a) 40 b) 50 c) 60 d) 70 - The correct answer is 50.

4. What are some potential complications of herpes zoster? Choose all correct answers from the list below.

a) Loss of vision b) Scarring c) Ramsay Hunt syndrome d) Post-herpetic neuralgia e) Stroke f) All the above - The correct answer is All of the above.

5. What proportion of herpes zoster patients experience the most common complication, postherpetic neuralgia (PHN)?

a) 0–5% b) 5–10% c) 10–25% d) Up to 30% - The correct answer is Up to 30%.

Developed by EPG Health, in collaboration with CSL Behring.

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