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Unrecognizable female doctor holding graphic virtual visualization model of Lungs organ in hands. Multiple medical icons on the background.
Type 2 Inflammation in COPD
Declaration of sponsorship Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

COPD Symposia

Declaration of sponsorship Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Last updated:13th Jun 2024
Published:13th Jun 2024

GOLD 2023 – Beyond a One Size Fits All Approach: Recognizing the Heterogeneity of COPD

This symposium explores the heterogeneous clinical presentation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), addressing variations in severity, symptoms, and comorbidities.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the heterogeneous clinical presentation of COPD (eg, severity, level of control, symptoms, multimorbidities)
  • Review the role of underlying inflammation in COPD pathology and its link to clinical features
  • Review the role of biomarker assessments and endotyping in COPD

GOLD 2023 Role of Underlying Inflammation in COPD Pathology and Clinical Features

Dr Igor Barjaktarevic discusses the role of underlying inflammation in COPD pathology and associated clinical features and explores the importance of biomarker assessments and endotyping in COPD.

GOLD 2023 Clinical Presentation of COPD and Disease Burden

Dr. Igor Barjaktarevic discusses the diverse clinical aspects of COPD, emphasizing the role of inflammation and the importance of recognizing the heterogeneity of COPD.

Meet the expert

Igor BarjaktarevicIgor Barjaktarevic, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Director of COPD Program David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)

As Assistant Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of the COPD Program at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Dr. Barjaktarevic leads the clinical and research projects in COPD and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency syndrome.

With a fairly extensive background in the field of pulmonary immunology where Dr. Barjaktarevic obtained a PhD in 2016 in collaborative project between University of Belgrade and Weill Cornell in New York, his research experience expands from basic science and experiments on laboratory animals to complete conduction of clinical or translational studies.


Dr. Barjaktarevic has received funding from Alpha-1 Foundation, COPD Foundation, Johnny Carson Foundation, and NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; grants from Aerogen, GE HealthCare, Takeda, Theravance, and Viatris; and has consulting relationships with AstraZeneca, Grifols, Inhibrx, Regeneron, Sanofi, Takeda, and Verona Pharma.

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