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Very Brief Advice for Tobacco Dependency

Dr Noel Baxter

Read time: 5 mins
Last updated:12th Feb 2025
Published:24th Apr 2020

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Dr Noel Baxter is a practising GP in the UK. He has been a respiratory champion for the last 10 years, working with both primary and secondary care colleagues within a population-based integrated respiratory service. Having served his term as Executive Chair of the UK-based Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS), he is board member of the IPCRG and is a clinical advisor to the British Lung Foundation. He has a strong interest in improving quality in primary care, and, until recently, was the Clinical Director for Quality and Service Improvement at NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Passionate about tobacco harm, Dr Baxter is a member of the board of trustees for Action on Smoking in Health (ASH) and recent co-lead of the London Respiratory Strategic Clinical Network from 2010 to 2016 and the London Clinical Senate ‘Helping Smokers Quit’ delivery team.


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