Tecfidera scores high for safety according to AdverseEvents report- Biogen
Tecfidera has the best safety profile of any of its competitors which is the view taken by a report from AdverseEvents which analyzes side-effects data filed with the FDA. It considered that, older interferons used to treat MS, such as Rebif (Merck Serono/Pfizer), Avonex (Biogen) and Betaseron (Bayer) are not as safe as newer entrants to the market. AdverseEvents found Betaseron in particular had the highest reported levels of disabling or fatal side effects. The Report also looked at any interferon-based drugs that might be linked with suicides and found that both Rebif (Merck Serono/Pfizer) and Extavia (Novartis), also an interferon, were associated with depression and suicidal behaviour. Although the AdverseEvents analysis found that Tecfidera had a higher association with gastrointestinal upset than did its rivals, the drug had among the lowest overall quantity of reported adverse events, and the fewest that were considered serious enough to require hospitalization. On the AdverseEvents "RxScore"--a scale the company uses to indicate safety, with 100 representing the highest risk--Tecfidera came out with the top score of 33.11. Novartis' Gilenya, once considered Tecfidera's biggest competitor, has been associated with safety concerns and Adverse Events found that patients taking it may need to be monitored for lymphocyte and cardiac abnormalities.